Artificial intelligence is evolving rapidly, and autonomous AI agents represent one of the most exciting advancements in the field. These agents are designed to act independently, make decisions, and execute tasks with minimal human intervention. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AutoGPT and LangChain, developers can create powerful systems that transform workflows, boost productivity, and foster innovation. This blog explores what autonomous AI agents are, how these tools work, and practical steps to build your own intelligent systems.
Email functionality is crucial for any web application. Whether it's for sending registration confirmations, password resets, or system alerts, ensuring emails are sent reliably is a top priority. AWS Simple Email Service (SES) provides a powerful, scalable, and cost-effective solution for sending emails in Flask applications. However, many developers run into common pitfalls when setting up AWS SES.
AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by AWS. It is a service that runs your code in response to an event and automatically manages the resources required for running your code. You don't need to worry about any underlying resources which are required.
Implementing real-time data streaming from a server to a client can be challenging, especially when working with APIs that return data in chunks. Let me share a story of how I tackled this problem while using Python Flask for the backend and Vue.js with the Quasar framework for the frontend. It was a journey filled with trials, errors, and some exciting discoveries.
Agentic AI is quickly becoming a buzzword in the world of technology, and for good reason. Imagine AI agents capable of thinking, planning, and executing tasks with minimal human input—this is the promise of Agentic AI. It’s a revolutionary step forward, allowing businesses to operate smarter, faster, and more efficiently.
Mahesh, a diligent sales representative working with one of the renowned Indian pharmaceutical companies, is working hard to meet his sales quota by adhering to his assigned call plan. He makes about 9-12 calls per day, but with increased doctor access restrictions, many of these calls follow the script below.
Mahesh: Hello, Sir! How are you?
Doctor: Hi Mahesh, I am very busy right now. Let’s plan to catch up some other time. BTW, is there anything ‘new’ that you would like to share with me in a few seconds?
Mahesh: Nothing new, sir. Just wanted to share drug details with you.
Doctor: Ok. I am sure I’ll be able to get that information from the website of your organization. Thank you!
Mahesh: Thank you, sir! Have a wonderful day!!
To many of us, who are aware of the pharma sales cycle, where every minute with a doctor is a huge opportunity, this may look like an opportunity lost, and the blame goes to Mahesh. The natural question is, “Oh! Why did he give it up? Why couldn’t he engage the doctor when the doctor asked if he has something new? After all he is a sales guy and should know the tactics to sell”. Is he proactively preparing for the call by learning from his past interaction with the doctor and tailoring his pitch to accommodate customers’ specific needs and preferences? Does he plan for the list of questions that should be asked to help him better understand the customer profile and build an emotional connection with him?
This is not just a one-off case; a whooping majority of sales reps in India are not able to capitalize on the opportunities and convert it into relationships resulting in more prescriptions, and this is a worrisome trend.
On the oust, it seems Mahesh could have done something different and is failing to take advantage of a favourable situation. From his point of view, at the end of the day, he has the option of telling his front-line manager that the doctor didn’t have time, and it still counts for a call. However, various factors working in the synergy lead to these kinds of missed opportunities (a large part of the blame goes to the organization itself as well), and it's worrisome because of the sheer scale at which this is happening.
Some of the major factors that are leading to a lack of emotional connections and missed opportunities:
1. The Digital age: with almost all the information going digital, doctors are now equipped to pull the information they need on the internet, and with smart devices, this becomes even easier. This leads to doctors saying NO to meeting sales reps, and eventually, with sales reps not having any new information to share on an ongoing basis, results in this “NO” becomes a regular feature with a negligible emotional connection with the doctor. At times, even when they agree to meet, doctors know that they can pull the general information on their smart devices.
2. The Performance push: every sales rep has a target to meet, and they rely more on the traditional call approach without a support ecosystem from the organization side. Many times sales incentives for medical representatives are qualified based on adherence to their aggressive call plans so they take an easy route wherever they can and log their call in with the status as “the doctor was busy”. Qualification based on adherence to the calling plan essentially shifts the focus from the quality of the call to the count.
3. The Skill Gap: While a significant effort has been made by many organizations to train their field force, the impact has not been significant. There are three primary reasons for the same, i.e. the content, the approach and the mindset.
4. Ineffective frontline managers: the front-line managers in the Indian context are those medical representatives who were star performers, and with tenure and performance based on goal attainment, they get promoted to be the first-line managers. Yes, the experience at the ground level counts. However, the frontline manager role demands a lot more than just being a good medical representative. Based on the activities, the frontline manager’s role demands them to deliver effective leadership to create a motivated field force under them, effective task management for playing a broader role of that of a manager, coaching and mentoring their reporting representatives and client engagement role (primarily for key opinion influencers) to ensure execution of the business strategy on the ground. Unfortunately, these require developing the skillset, mindset and toolset, and the current programs to develop frontline managers have not proven effective.
5. Lack of the job, Coaching skills: Most of the FLMs assume that ‘telling’ is ‘coaching’. Hence, often they would give the feedback that they told the Salesperson about something. Mostly, it sounds like a fault-finding exercise. We can't entirely blame the FLMs as they are neither trained when promoted nor coached by their reporting managers. Also, undue pressure of PUSH approach to performance, they have less inclination towards ‘on the job’ coaching. So, the joint field work tends to become a ritual, monotonous and with no significant value addition towards developing the salesperson.
The problem seems to be huge, but there is hope for a solution. Instead of addressing the individual problem one by one, there is a need for a consolidated effort where effective use of learning, data, and psychological principles of memory enabled by the technology can be used to up the game of the salesforce.
The first step towards building a credible ecosystem is to provide a platform for health information exchange and increased collaboration between headquarters and feet-on-street field representatives. Often, data collection and analytics are functions of the headquarters where they either use in-house secondary data sources or third-party data sources to perform analysis, share market insights and create an action plan for the field representatives without direct involvement from the salesforce. Once the field receives the information, they distrust the data due to sometimes perceived / sometimes real reasons resulting in hesitation to take any relevant actions. In such scenarios, the best practice is to develop and deploy a platform to gather field intelligence and acknowledge the wisdom of the feet on the street. This not only provides credibility to the whole exercise but also helps in collecting nuggets of information based on specific interactions or customer preferences (marketing channel preferences, sample needs, preferred level and type of information etc.), which can support the design and development of realistic, actionable plans resulting in:
Currently, Indian pharmaceutical companies hope to get through this need with the use of CRM systems, but field representatives see that more as an administrative burden rather than something empowering and engaging.
Several crucial elements should be part of a comprehensive sales coaching model.
In addition to building a credible platform, it’s also important to make their sales performance information available timely using reports and dashboards. This helps field representatives have visibility into their productivity metrics (based on past performance) and allows for course correction if required. Access to performance what-if calculators helps them view different scenarios and motivates them to develop an action plan for the short-term future.
Coaching must be a part of the KRAs in helping managers to improve their performance.
With Indian pharma on the aggressive path to becoming one of the largest markets of size $ 55 billion by 2020, the key players of its value chain, the sales reps and front-line managers, need to evolve to be more relevant in their roles. It seems possible only with a conglomeration of Technology to bring about accountability and context-based learning, and the providers are also ready.
The million-dollar question is, are the decision-makers listening?